Essential Reading – Drawn To Stitch

Another booked from the essential reading list that I managed to pick up was ‘Drawn to Stitch’ by Gwen Hedley. I seem to have been fortunate enough to pick these books in order that I seem to doing them for the course so this was a big help during the last few activities of Assignment 1.

This was a really good book, full of interesting and exciting ideas and pictures. It was very inspiring and helped me think outside the box when it came to experimenting with stitch.

There was a nice mixture of contemporary and traditional design which when put on pages next to each other had a nice flow and made for interesting design ideas.

Essential Reading – Creating Sketchbooks

As part of the course curriculum, it states that there are some essential reading books for us to go through. The first one of these I got was ‘Creating Sketchbooks for Embroiderers and Textile Artists’ by Kay Greenlees

This was a very enjoyable read and I seem to have got it at a very appropriate time considering I was struggling to utilise my own sketch book. I found the hints and tips in it were very encouraging and useful and the pictures were amazing. Very inspiring. It was nice to see how different people use their sketch books and to know there is no right or wrong way to do so.

The list of societies and groups in the back are great and by looking them up have found great access to a lot of inspiration and support.

I would definitely recommend this book highly. It was informative yet enjoyable to read.